Thursday, February 15, 2018

ADDIE - The Analysis Phase

The first step of the ADDIE process is analysis. The analysis step identifies the performance or knowledge gap and the desired goal. It also examines factors such as the learning environment and the learner's current knowledge and skill level. This part of the ADDIE process can be one of the most time-consuming but is also one of the most important. This step influences all of the remaining stages of the ADDIE model, so if this analysis isn't done correctly you have a greater risk of not achieving success.

Some of the general questions that must be answered during the analysis include:
  • What is the problem or performance gap? 
  • Is training actually the appropriate intervention to address this problem?
  • Who is the audience and what are their characteristics?
  • Who are the stakeholders or sponsors?
  • What is the desired new behavior and performance, and how will it be measured?
  • What does success look like?
  • What types of resources are available?
  • What types of constraints exist?
  • What are the delivery options for training?
  • What adult learning theory considerations apply?
  • What is the timeline for project completion?
Ideally, this step will clearly define the problem or gap, measurable outcomes, constraints, resources, and any other factors that will influence the project. Once that is completed, a strategy can be developed that will set up each of the remaining stages for success.

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